Easiest Way to Make Delicious Dalgona Coffee

Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe page, If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the best Dalgona Coffee recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Dalgona Coffee

Before you jump to Dalgona Coffee recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Your Health Can Be Effected By The Foods You Choose To Consume.

With regards to the foods that you eat, you will recognize that your overall health can be effected either positively or even negatively. Something that you should never eat no matter what is the varied foods that you will get at all of those fast food places. The foods that you will get from these fast food places are usually foods that are incredibly unhealthy, loaded with fat and generally have little to no nourishment. In the following paragraphs we are going to be going over foods that you ought to be eating that can help you stay healthy and balanced.

One of the first varieties of foods you should be eating plenty of, is various berries. You will realize that most berries have substantial amounts of Vitamin C that you must know is good for your body. Yet another thing you will realize is that the antioxidants in berries is higher than just about any other food that you may pick to eat and this can help with your circulatory system. Another thing you will find that these antioxidants can help you with will be keeping your cells healthy, this can help your system to fight off a number of diseases.

By simply following a few of the suggestions above you will find that you will end up living a healthier life. Also if you remove all the refined food that you really should not be eating anyway, you might find that you could end up living a longer life.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let's go back to dalgona coffee recipe. You can have dalgona coffee using 4 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to prepare Dalgona Coffee:

  1. Use 1 tbsp of instant coffe powder(I used Bru coffee powder).
  2. Prepare 1-2 tbsp of sugar.
  3. Use 1 tbsp of hot water.
  4. Take 11/2 cup of milk.

Instructions to make Dalgona Coffee:

  1. In a large mixing bowl, add sugar,coffee powder hot water and start whisking using a hand whisker or electric whisk for about 2 mins or until you get stiff peaks.(You can use 1 more tbsp sugar if you don't like coffee's bitter taste but don't add too much sugar as it doesn't give you stiff peaks)..
  2. It takes some time to get stiff peaks with hand mixer, Patience is more important to taste the delicious Dalgona Coffee. Once you get stiff peaks/frothy texture,mix well and keep aside..
  3. In a serving glass, add few ice cubes(optional), 3/4 cup milk and 2 spoons of Dalgona foam on top of the milk. Repeat the same with remaining milk and Dalgona mixture in another glass. You can use hot/warm milk also if you want Hot Dalgona Coffee..
  4. Now the delicious Dalgona coffee is ready to enjoy 😋😋😃.

If you find this Dalgona Coffee recipe valuable please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.
